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Eczema Specialist

Sirven & Associates Allergy and Asthma Center

Adult & Pediatric Allergy and Immunology & Allergists located in Miami, FL

If itchy, red, dry skin associated with eczema bothers your or your child, you don’t have to live with these unpleasant symptoms. At Sirven & Associates Allergy and Asthma Center in Miami, Florida, board-certified adult and pediatric allergy and immunology physician Viviana Sirven, MD, and her experienced team offer numerous eczema treatments to give you the smooth, healthy, itch-free skin you desire. Schedule an appointment by phone or online for an evaluation today.


What is eczema?

Eczema is a skin condition that causes inflammation and itchy, red, dry skin. It’s common in children but adults can also get eczema. Atopic dermatitis is the most common type. Treatment with the experts at Sirven & Associates Allergy and Asthma Center can reduce unpleasant symptoms associated with eczema and improve the appearance of your or your child’s skin.

What are the symptoms of eczema?

Common symptoms you or your child might notice with eczema include:

  • Dry, rough skin
  • Small raised bumps
  • Itchy skin
  • Red, brown, or gray skin patches
  • Crusted skin
  • Thick, cracked skin
  • Scaly skin
  • Swollen, sensitive, or raw skin

Eczema might come and go, flaring up periodically before disappearing for a while. See the Sirven & Associates Allergy and Asthma Center team if eczema negatively affects your or your child’s sleep, daily activities, or self-confidence.

What are the risk factors for eczema?

Anyone, especially children, can develop eczema but certain factors increase your risk. Examples include a personal or family history of eczema, hay fever, asthma, or allergies. If it’s left untreated, eczema can increase your risk of skin infections.

How do you diagnose eczema?

While there aren’t any lab tests that identify eczema, Dr. Sirven and her team can diagnose the condition by reviewing your or your child’s medical history and symptoms and examining the skin. They might recommend patch testing to screen for skin diseases or food allergies and ask questions about medications to detect or rule out drug allergies.

What are eczema treatment options?

Depending on the type and severity of eczema, experts at Sirven & Associates Allergy and Asthma Center might recommend:

At-home remedies

At-home remedies that can reduce itching and inflamed skin include keeping skin moisturized, applying anti-itch creams, taking over-the-counter allergy medications, and using a humidifier. 


Dr. Sirven might recommend prescription ointments to reduce inflammation and unpleasant symptoms associated with eczema. She may suggest antibiotic creams or oral antibiotics if the skin becomes infected, or injectable biologics in certain instances.

Other therapies

Additional eczema treatment options include wet dressings with topical medicine and light therapy. Dr. Sirven and her team let you know which treatments are right for you or your child.

Don’t live with eczema that feels uncomfortable or embarrassing. Schedule an appointment with the experts at Sirven & Associates Allergy and Asthma Center by phone or online today.


Sirven & Associates
Allergy and Asthma Center
8200 SW 117 Ave, Suite 110
Miami, FL 33183
Phone: 305-442-4116
Fax: 305-442-7282



9:00 am - 6:00 pm
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
9:00 am - 7:00 pm
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
9:00 am - 4:00 pm